Welcome to Stoneglass Industries
a message from Georges Sara, Director of Stoneglass Industries
For the majority of my professional life I have been engaged in experimenting on how I can improve what I do in my daily life, with my technical skills in my chosen career as a “Dental Technician”, and how I can make life easier for dentists and dental laboratories as well as patients, and improve the efficiency of dentistry by new technologies and innovative solutions.
As a CAD/CAM Product Development leader since 1999 with a passion for delivering “what’s next” and improving “what’s now” for Dentists and Dental Laboratories that value innovation and creation, and in a fast-track career through research and development projects, I have had a measurable impact on Australian CAD/CAM technology and product innovation. I am always looking for innovative and creative ways and great solutions; something different to help people at work.
We strongly believe CAD/CAM engineering is revolutionising dentistry, and Australia should be a dental CAD/CAM technology leader in the world, not just an importer. We believe in our capabilities and competencies in such a great nation of opportunity. At Stoneglass we have built a great team of people around me that support the leadership that I encourage to be followed with consistency, integrity, humility and in the belief in Australian innovation.
We at Stoneglass have invested a great deal of time and money in Research and Development since 1999. Now, we have great dental solutions for dentists and dental laboratories to improve the patient experience and care.